About us
Tskaltubo, the well-known balneological resort, dates back to 12th century. It has been hosting visitors from all over the world since 1892. The resort is famous for its unique radon-carbonate mineral springs and more than 100 years of history of taking care of its visitors and benefits from the prominence of its high qualified team of professionals. Balneosresort enumerates a wide variety of medical, recovery and relaxation procedures offered to its customers, such as: Mineral water baths, massage, hydro (udnerwater) massage under-water horizontal spine stretch, body mud-masks, electrotherapy procedures, hydrocolon therapy, etc. We provide treatment of:
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Central and peripheral nervous system diseases
- Gynecological diseases Urological diseases
- Skin diseases Endocrine diseases
- Regulates pressure; has a painkiller, anti-inflammatory, comforting effect.
Healing could be pleasant In addition, the resort is located in close proximity to some of the famous sights of Georgia, such as: Sataplia Cave and Natural Reserve, Prometheus Cave, Gelati Cathedral, Bagrati Cathedral, Church of Motsameta. On the territory of the resort there is a large recreational park located. Balneoresort Tskaltubo: Discover the spring of immortality / / The spring of your immortality is here
Medical treatment:
- Remedial Effects of Radon The effects of radon on living beings is multifaceted.
- Radon has an effect on each and every cell and system.
- Different aspects of remedial effects of radon procedures are advanced for different illnesses.
- During Musculoskeletal System Disease Application of radon procedures leads to the reduction of inflammation process and improvement of flexibility of injured joints, reduction of pain and also shows effects of allergen immunotherapy.
During Cardiovascular Diseases:
- Radon therapy leads to better feeding of heart muscles, normalization of arterial pressure (reduction in case of hypertonia and increase in case of hypotonia), pulse rarefaction and the temporary increase of heart volume in times of disorganized heartbeat.
During Nervous System Diseases:
Radon procedures are characterized by outstanding painkiller effects. Radon intake treats inflammation process in nerves, accelerates nerve tissue regeneration. Radon has distinctive sedative (calming) effect on central nervous system.
During Female Genitals Diseases:
During female genitals disease radon therapy causes the improvement of blood circulation in lesser pelvis, increase of sensibility of skin, important anti-inflammation and analgesic effect. This has a beneficial effect on overall condition of the patient, menstrual and reproductive functions, hormonal function of ovule, it also has a positive effect during the bleeding in womb and climacteric and inflammation in lesser pelvis. The growth of fibro-myoma stops if its size does not exceed that of a three-month pregnancy.
During Urological Diseases:
During urological disease, the anti-inflammation, analgesic, bacteriostatic, spasmolytic effects are advanced, gallbladder smooth muscle function is increased, the level of urine acid in blood is reduced.
During Bowel Diseases:
The intake of radon-carbonated water activates regeneration of mucous membrane of bowels after resection, accelerates cicatrization of gastric ulcer, decreases acidity during excess acid of gastric juice.
Radon has normalizing effect on basic (protein), carbohydrate, mineral, cholesterol and water exchange in the body. Specific reactivity (allergy) decreases and nonspecific reactivity (disease resistance) increases. Body resistance to infectious diseases increases. Increases the resistance towars tumor. Radon bathes have the effect of accelerating the process of epithelization during the skin burns. The periods for the effect to be visible of the radon therapy is highly dependent on the form of the disease, its stage and the condition of the organism. It usually starts after the accomplishment of the treatment course and reaches its height after 1,5-2 months and lasts from half a year to year and a half.